court litigation and labour disputes


We respresent clients on instruction from attorneys in various courts, including Lower Courts and High Courts. We also offer services as Watching Briefs in Criminal Matters. We also assist with CCMA Matters and Bargaining Council Disputes. 



family law and children's court


We can assist with a variety of matters, including Maintenance Applications and Variation, Parental Responsibilities and Rights, Disputes and Children's Court Matters.

Divorce litigation


We try to assist with speedy and amicable divorces, simultaneously ensuring that the rights and property of our client is protected. 

What Do We Practice in?



We specialise to assist with all Bail Applications, in Court or After-Hours. We assist with respresenting the client at all court appearances and proper preparation for plea or trial. We also provide assistance with Applications for Appeal and Reviews. The rights of individuals are enshrined in The Consititution of the Republic of South Africa and we aim to ensure that it is protected at all times. We also offer assistance with Independent Police Investigations, as well as acting as watching briefs to ensure that the State is acting in the complainant/victim's best interest.